Non-repayable contribution in the form of voucher, for the benefit of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for the purchase of specialist advice on the processes of technological and digital transformation, through the enabling technologies provided by the National Plan 4.0 enterprise, and processes of modernization of management and organizational structures of the company, including access to financial markets and capital.

They are admitted to the contribution the expenses sustained for the services of specialized advising rendered from a manager of the qualified innovation, independent and inserted temporarily, with a contract of advising of duration not inferior to nine months, in the organizational structure of the enterprise or the net, to the aim to address and to support the processes of innovation, technological transformation and digital through the application of one or more of the following enabling technologies:

(a) big data and data analytics;

b) cloud, fog and quantum computing;

c) cyber security;

d) integration of the technologies of the Next Production Revolution (NPR) in the business processes, also and with particular regard to the productions of traditional nature;

e) simulation and cyber-physical systems;

f) fast prototyping

g) visualization systems, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR);

(h) advanced and collaborative robotics;

(i) human-machine interface;

(l) additive manufacturing and three-dimensional printing;

(m) internet of things and machines;

(n) digital integration and development of business processes;

o) digital marketing programs, such as transformative and enabling processes for the innovation of all processes of enhancement of brands and distinctive signs (so-called “branding”) and commercial development towards markets;

p) open innovation programs.